Friday, July 16, 2010

The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove by Christopher Moore

A friend gave me this book, like a year ago, and I just finally got around to reading it. I wasn't sure what to expect but I really liked it.

A seaside town full of depressed people, a lazy psychologist who gets stuck by a bout of conscious, a suicide and an ancient sea monster all lead to a really funny story.

After one of her patients commits suicide, Val, the local psychologist, decides to take all of her depressed patients (about 1/3 of the town) off of anti-depressants and start talking to them instead. About the same time she does this an ancient Sea Monster is awakened by sludge from a nearby power plant.

Is it withdrawal or the call of the monster that seems to have the whole town gone horny?

Add to this a crazy has-been actress who thinks she's a warrior princess and things get more interesting.

This book keeps your attention and makes you want to keep reading, while at the same time making you laugh and keeping you entertained the whole way through.

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