This was a hard book to read, one that I couldn't read more than a chapter at a time in even though I found it constantly interesting. I think it was so hard because I could relate. Koren's story is one that can relate to any female, I think, and really makes you think about your life and the choices you've made.
I didn't start drinking at 14, like Koren, I was 16. I can still remember that first time and how "cool" it felt. That wasn't my very first drink... my first taste of alcohol was at 8 years old. My Grandma let me taste her beer. I hated the taste and still do. I've had my moments of binge drinking and I've had my moments where my drinking approached alcoholic status. Luckily, I've been able to internalize and realize when those moments occur and change my actions before they become a problem.
Koren relates her feelings towards her drinking, towards the reasons why she drinks, the holes she is trying to fill with drinking and her attempted breaks from drinking in such a way that you feel like you are right there with her. Your heart breaks for her and you feel every emotion. I know what it was like to be a teenage girl who didn't feel like she fit in and wanted to do whatever it took to feel comfortable in her own skin. This is the story that Koren relates.
At some point we each have to come to our own and figure out who we are and make a decision to accept that person. Koren was also able to come to that point, which is what allowed her to share her story. I hope that 7 years later she is still as sober as she was when she related her story.
I feel that this book, along with Prozac Nation (Movie Tie-In)
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